We have been singing a lot of songs by The Beatles lately. We are always impressed with the variety of harmonies, the great lyrics, and how well the songs translate to the guitar. One of their songs that we have not performed in a while is In My Life. We decided to add it to this current setlist. It's a good song, and our parents say that the lyrics are very meaningful to them in a different way than they are to us. I guess that speaks to how great The Beatles were at writing lyrics! We think our audiences have been enjoying the variety of Beatles' songs too as we always see them clapping along to the beat. Here's a clip of us singing In My Life from this morning's show:
Here is the full setlist from the show:
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Tie A Yellow Ribbon
Yellow Submarine
In My Life
Here Comes The Sun
I Want To Hold Your Hand
I Fall To Pieces
Top Of The World
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