When we learn lyrics to songs, especially older songs, we learn a lot of new terminology! One such example is the song A Bushel and a Peck. We knew what a bushel was, but what about a peck? Some research taught us that it is also a form of measure. Often times, fruits and vegetables are sold in bushels and pecks. We weren't familiar with this measurement, so it was fun to learn a new fact! Loving someone 'a bushel and a peck', essentially means you love them a lot, so we sure love our audience a bushel and a peck! Here's a clip of us singing this song from this morning's show:
Here is the full setlist from the show:
Bushel And A Peck
Goodnight, Irene
Stand By Me
Be My Baby
Build Me Up Buttercup
My Girl
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
My Favorite Things
#communityinvolvement #seniorcitizens #theloveofmusic #memorycare #Cambridge #showtunes #seniorliving #memorycare #musictherapy #dementia #alzheimers #goldenoldies
What a song with such nice meaning! Love the song and the way you three sang......😜
Love Grandpa