We are singing off of a new setlist, and it's always a nice change for both us and our audience when we introduce new songs into the mix. We enjoy seeing the reactions from our friends when they recognize some of their favorite songs from years past. The staff is always great about giving us feedback on which songs were a hit, and we love hearing it!

Here is the full setlist from the show:
By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
Turn, Turn, Turn
Oh! Susanna
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?
It's A Small World
High Hopes
I Only Wanna Be With You
Do A Deer
My Girl
Halloween Mix (The Munsters and The Addams Family)
#communityinvolvement #seniorcitizens #theloveofmusic #memorycare #Cambridge #showtunes #seniorliving #memorycare #musictherapy