Today is a busy day. Two of us have final exams, and one of us has an AP exam. This time of year can get very busy and sometimes overwhelming. It's interesting though, that despite all that is on our plates, getting up early to sing for our friends at 7am gives us a little extra energy and fills up our souls. Seeing that our singing is doing some good for some really wonderful people makes us happy, and while it's one more thing on our to-do list for the day, it helps balance out the nerves that we feel for upcoming test and exams. Just one more piece of evidence that music is a wonderful form of therapy, whether you're on the delivering end or receiving end of it!

Here is the full setlist from the show:
Top Of The World
Country Roads
Isn't She Lovely
Side By Side
Turn Turn Turn
Oh Susanna
I Fall To Pieces
You Are My Sunshine
Sweet Caroline
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